played in (P125)
From CanonBase
place (building, city, country) where the company or performance played
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English |
played in
place (building, city, country) where the company or performance played
Data type
Property order
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expected value list for Property
Inverse property label
had hosted performance of (English)
0 references
hat Aufführung veranstaltet von (German)
0 references
albergó la puesta en escena de (Spanish)
0 references
ha ospitato la performance di (Italian)
0 references
har hyst föreställning av (Swedish)
0 references
hostoval představení (Czech)
0 references
a accueilli la performance de (French)
0 references
heeft voorstelling ontvangen van (Dutch)
0 references
System characteristic